CAST – Cognitive Assessment and Skills Training

KIDICIOUS is one of the authorized centers to use PREP, COGENT AND MATHS MODULE programs developed by Dr. J.P. Das, a word renowned Professor (Emeritus) of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. These programs are scientifically proven as child learning programs that improve reading comprehension and overall cognitive abilities.

  • How this program works?
  • Who would benefit with this program?
    Children ranging from Kindergarten to Teenagers with or without special needs will be benefited with this program.
  • What is the procedure for applying this program?
    Pre-Program Assessment > Application of Program > Post-Program Assessment
  • What is the duration of this program?
    45 minutes – 1 hour (per session). The count of sessions may vary from child to child depending upon his/her understanding level and area of difficulty ranging from minimum 20 sessions to 45 sessions.

For more detailed information, kindly go through the link – Child Learning Program.